


The 22nd IFAC World Congress is held in the PACIFICO YOKOHAMA, one of the largest convention complexes in Japan.

Pacific Convention Plaza Yokohama(PACIFICO Yokohama) 1-1-1, Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0012, JAPAN
Access Map (PDF)

Conference Venue

The sessions mainly take place at the “Conference Center”, some at the “National Convention Hall” .

Conference Center

The Conference Center has:

  • 50 large/medium/small-sized meeting rooms
  • Theater-style hall with 1,004 seats; three 1,000-participant meetings can be held at the same time.
  • Sizes of meeting rooms can be modified by consolidating smaller rooms.

National Convention Hall

This theater-style hall has 5,002 seats and is equipped with an eight-language simultaneous interpreting system.



Exhibition Venue

Exhibition Hall

The Exhibition Hall, which is designed column free, has an exhibition area of 20,000m2 and a ceiling height of 13 to 19m.