Childcare Support Program
The Organizing Committee of IFAC 2023 is pleased to announce the Childcare Support Program, which will provide limited financial support to parents attending IFAC2023. Grants of up to JPY 30,000 per family are available to attendees who incur extra expenses in (1) bringing children to the conference or in (2) leaving their children at home while attending the conference.
IFAC2023 does not assume responsibility or liability for childcare services of any sort.
1. Eligibility and Requirements
Each applicant must be:
- Parent or guardian (registered attendee of IFAC2023) who brings dependent child(ren) aged 12 years old or younger to the conference, or
- Parent or guardian (registered attendee of IFAC2023) who incurs additional expenses at their home location, above normal childcare expenses, for children aged 12 years old or younger, while attending the conference.
If requests exceed available funding, preference will be given to applicants who are presenting at the congress and/or early career researchers.
Only one application should be submitted per family.
2. Application Procedures and Reimbursement Process
The application website opens on the 7th June and closes on the 21st June. To apply, applicants must fill in either form-A or form-B and email the form to <e-mail address closed>.IFAC2023 participants will benefit from the discount from a local care provider company, Pocca-Poca, which can introduce English-speaking childcare workers.
- Application Form A: Without Reservation to Pocca-Poca
- Application Form B: Need to reservation to Pocca-Poca
Successful applicants will be notified and must submit a reimbursement request form, accompanied by valid receipts indicating that the expenses were incurred, to <e-mail address closed> no later than the 14th July (the last day of IFAC2023). All reimbursements will be made in cash at the registration desk during the congress.
IFAC2023 retains the discretion to decline noncompliant requests.
Examples of expenses eligible for reimbursement:
- Childcare expenses at the conference location (or their accommodation) while the parent(s) or guardian(s) attend the conference;
- Additional childcare expenses incurred in leaving a child home while the parent(s) or guardian(s) attend the conference;
- Transportation expenses for a childcare provider to care for child(ren) during the conference. Reimbursement relating to a childcare provider is only allowed for an adult who is not child(ren)’s family member.
Reimbursement for other reasonable expenses not specifically identified here may be permitted at the discretion of IFAC2023.
Examples of expenses not eligible for reimbursement:
- Travel expenses for the child(ren);
- Childcare expenses for care provided by child(ren)’s family member;
- Travel or other expenses related to the attendee’s participation at IFAC2023, including registration fees, meals, travel to IFAC2023, or other expenses the attendee would already be incurring by attending IFAC2023;
- Toys, and entry fees for entertainment (such as tickets to museums, amusement parks, etc.).
3. Deadlines and Notification
7th June: The application form opens
21st June: The application form closes
26th June: Decision messages about childcare support recipients are expected to be sent out
Submitting an application does not guarantee reimbursement. If reimbursement is offered to an applicant, it may not cover all childcare expenses.
4. Additional Information
We strongly recommend that the participants obtain accident insurance. Using Pocca-Poca will automatically enroll you in insurance. The participant can also ask for reimbursement for the insurance from the support program.
The maximum of JPY 30,000 is per family, irrespective of the number of children, to allow more participants to benefit from the program. You can request care for more than one child at your own cost.
Japanese participants can also apply to this program.
The average childcare cost by English speakers is JPY 2,500 - 4,000 per hour plus transportation fee. Transportation fees will depend on the location of the participant's hotel and the care worker's residence. Transportation fees can be included in reimbursement.
Childcare arrangements for sick children (e.g., fever > 37.0 C) will be difficult.
In case you use Pocca-Poca's service, following points should be noted.
- We presume the childcare to be generally provided in the participant's hotel room.
- Childcare workers will not cook meals and will not go out for shopping to buy meals, drinks, etc. If the participant needs long-time support, meals should be prepared in advance. In that case, the participant can include the receipt for reimbursement from the support program within the limit of JPY30,000.
- Everything necessary for care, such as a change of clothes and diapers, must be prepared in advance.
- Please arrange a local mobile phone for emergency contact during childcare.
- It is recommended to end the childcare around 22:00 or earlier to avoid the childcare worker using taxi (~ JPY 20,000) after the train operation time.
- Further information will be communicated directly to those who sent the application form.